Dariusz Sojka, Jan Sieniawski: Metody instrumentalne analizy składu chemicznego stopów metali. Oficyna wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, 2020. ISBN: 978-83-7934-409-3
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Dariusz Sojka, Jan Sieniawski: Metody spektrometryczne do oceny wtrąceń niemetalicznych stopach metali. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, 2020. |
D.Bonvin, R.Yellepeddi: ARL Optim'X Performance. International Cement Review (02/2013). |
D. Bonvin, C. Shaffer: Small spot analysis in glass production. Glass International (02/2013). |
Richard Woodward: The missing link is found. International Cement Review (03/2012). |
Kaizhen Li, E. Halasz: Ultra-fast quantitative analysis of non-metallic, inclusions in steel. Milenium Steel (2011). |
D.Bonvin, R.Yellepeddi, R.Yerly: Integrated x-ray analysis. XRF/XRD technology (03/2008). |
A.Kohler, D.Bonvin, R.Yellepeddi: Analysis of oil industry products with x-ray fluorescence spectrometer, Hydrocarbon Engineering (02/2008). |
G. Bultynck, M. Principato, D.Bonvin, R.Yellepeddi: Making the right choice. World Cement (03/2006). |
J-M Bohlen, P.Charpie: Optical emission spectrometry for control of cleanness during steel making. Milenium Steel (2005). |
A.Kohler, D.Bonvin, R.Yellepeddi, R.Yerly: Analytical Solution. World Cement (04/2005). |
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